Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Tab

1. Agency Overview
2. Certificate Types Offered
3. Target Audience

What is your agency all about?

We provide the opportunity to obtain certificates for consent/non-consent to contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. Our certificates allow you to determine your readiness for contact with extraterrestrials.

What types of certificates do you offer, and what are they for?

We offer two types of electronic certificates - consent and refusal.

- Consent Contact e-Certificate signifies your readiness to meet extraterrestrials and become part of intergalactic journeys in case of unexpected contact.

- Refusal Contact e-Certificate confirms your right to decline contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.

Who are these certificates for?

These e-certificates are for every individual on Earth. So that people can make informed choices and, in case of sudden encounters with extraterrestrials, our extraterrestrial guests understand and respect human choices.

4. Agency Principles
5. Contacting Extraterrestrial Civilizations
6. Opting Out of Contact

What principles does your agency adhere to?

We adhere to the following principles:

- We stand for every individual's right to determine whether they wish to participate in contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations, travel to other galaxies, and engage with representatives of other worlds.

- Voluntary travels: All intergalactic journeys must be solely based on participants' willingness. We do not support the abduction of individuals by extraterrestrials.

What happens if I want to engage in contact with extraterrestrial civilizations?

In the event of a sudden contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, by presenting this consent certificate, you confirm your readiness to meet extraterrestrials, engage with them, and possibly become part of intergalactic journeys. Seeing the certificate, our extraterrestrial guests will understand that you can be invited to travel with them.

What happens if I do not want to engage in contact with extraterrestrial civilizations?

Your choice is respected, and we have a refusal certificate for this purpose. We never insist on contact, and your decision remains entirely free. You can refrain from any activities related to extraterrestrial civilizations.

7. Registration for Contact
8. Benefits of Contact
9. Lack of Contact

How can I register for contact with extraterrestrial civilizations?

By acquiring our consent certificate, you gain the opportunity to present it in case of sudden contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, where it will indicate your readiness for contact and intergalactic journeys. Now it's up to our extraterrestrial guests!

What will I gain from contact with extraterrestrials?

The outcomes of contact can vary from cultural knowledge exchange to scientific research and mutual enrichment. The possibilities are immense and depend on your interests and goals.

What happens if contact with extraterrestrials does not occur?

If contact does not take place, your e-certificate remains valid and can be used in the future if the opportunity arises.

10. Guarantees of Contact
11. Choice of Contact Location
12. Language Requirements for Contact

What guarantees contact with extraterrestrials will occur?

The likelihood of an encounter depends on numerous factors, and we cannot guarantee contact. We encourage readiness for various scenarios and the use of your e-certificate in case of contact.

Can participants choose the location for contact with extraterrestrial civilizations?

Contact can occur anywhere; you will need our certificate to indicate your choice regarding contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.

Is knowledge of an extraterrestrial language necessary to participate in contact with extraterrestrial civilizations?

No, knowledge of an extraterrestrial language is not required to participate in contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. Your willingness and readiness for mutual understanding will be key factors in this process.

13. Accepted Payment Methods
14. Confidentiality Assurance
15. Lost Certificate Process

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept various payment methods to ensure convenience for our clients. Visa, Mastercard, Crypto.

How can I be sure that my personal information will remain confidential?

The confidentiality of your personal information is our priority. We strictly adhere to our privacy policy and apply appropriate measures to protect your data.

What should I do if I lose my e-certificate?

If you lose your certificate, please contact our support service. We will assist you in its recovery.

16. Changing Certificate Choice
17. Certificate Validity Duration
18. Verification of Certificate Authenticity

Can I change my choice after purchasing a e-certificate?

Yes, you can change your choice by purchasing a new certificate. It will replace the previous one and reflect your current status.

How long is my certificate valid?

Your certificate is valid indefinitely and has no expiration date.

How can I confirm that my e-certificate is valid and authentic?

We provide unique confirmation codes for each e- You can contact us to verify the authenticity of your certificate.

19. Sharing Contact Experiences
20. Using Certificates Off Earth
21. Gifting Certificates to Others

How can I share my experiences after contact with extraterrestrials?

We provide the opportunity to share your experiences and stories with our community. Your stories may be published on our website.

Can I use the e-certificate if I am not on Earth?

Yes, certificates are valid regardless of your location on Earth or in space. They can be used during intergalactic travels.

Can I gift a e-certificate to a friend or loved one?

Absolutely! We offer the opportunity to purchase our certificates as an original and exciting gift for your friends and loved ones.

We operate in accordance with the principles of voluntariness, human rights protection, and the creation of comfortable conditions for contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations.

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