LGBT + Non-Interaction Certificate

Your Choice to Stay on Earth

“By purchasing this certificate, you support the LGBTQ+ community, and a portion of the proceeds will be annually directed towards funds for supporting LGBTQ+ culture and upholding the principles of equality and respect.”

Certificate of Earthly Loyalty and Inclusivity


The LGBT+ Non-Interaction e-Certificate grants you the right to maintain control over your personal space by expressing a clear stance of non-engagement with extraterrestrial civilizations.

When encountering extraterrestrial lifeforms, presenting this certificate underscores your right to decline interaction. Our extraterrestrial guests must respect your choice.

We value and respect your right to personal life and confidentiality.

The certificate emphasizes your right to uniqueness and self-determination, regardless of your sexual orientation or gender identity.

Additional Aspects for LGBT + :

Certificate of Earthly Loyalty and Inclusivity


By presenting this certificate, individuals gain the authority to decline engagement with extraterrestrial civilizations, safeguarding their personal space and boundaries. It emphasizes the fundamental principles of inclusivity, equality, and respect for individual choices, aligning with the values upheld within the LGBT + community.


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